When I post on the front page of my site, it has to be temporary, but it’s often goodies that I don’t want to trash, so I’m beginning a little practice of shifting the “old” content to a NEW blog post, maybe with a little bit of extra commentary. Skip it if you want, or not, whatever. This is the blog part of this page, it’s my playground and as long as I’m not hurting anybody, I can do whatever I want, right?
Like, right now, I’m listening to Travis music videos on YouTube. There are official ones and unofficial ones, and these guys are so menschy, they don’t worry about the unofficial ones, because fans love them, right? Besides, what does it make me want to do? It makes me want to go see if there’s an album of theirs I maybe don’t have yet. Marketing, kids.
The funniest one is a concert video where whoever has the camera skips real fast past the audience members closer to the band’s age and lingers on the fresh-faced youngsters. Well, it’s nice that younger people have discovered them, isn’t it?
All right then, here’s a nostalgic look at the front page that’s going away today:
Greetings, fellow star travellers! Big news!
Paper Angel Press has launched a new imprint devoted to science fiction and fantasy.
I’ve been waiting for months to say: you’ll now find my book at Water Dragon Publishing. Click the dragon and explore their new site.
Meanwhile … my newsletter launched successfully last month! Thanks to all who signed up here and through StoryOrigin. The newsletter comes out mid-month, with science news, story previews, writer-life chat, and just a little gaming stuff.
Learning by doing! I ran an experiment: subscriber pop-up vs static subscribe-here form. The pop-up wins, hands, down. Apparently, it’s just way more convenient. However, I can flip a switch so it only asks every so often. And I’m keeping the static forms on the contact and blog pages, for those who prefer that. Remember, if you’re on gmail, Google will tend to pipeline emails from new people into preset folders like “Promotions,” until you tell it not to.
All That Was Asked
What would you say if someone said, “Will you take this alien creature home and be responsible for it.”?
Ansegwe says, “Yes.”
Get the story in digital, audio, softcover, or hardback!
Love your local bookstore by ordering online through bookshop.org (hardcover and paperback) or indiebound.org (both print editions).
You can also order signed copies direct from Water Dragon Publishing, and the audiobook is also available on iTunes.
This first-contact story explores the challenges of communication between species–when neither side has a universal translator to rely on, when the alien in question is so odd most people would consider it an animal–not a person, and when accidents and misunderstandings get in the way.
Ansegwe’s a tagalong, a wannabe poet, and the pampered offspring of a rich, powerful family. When faced with the choice of leaving an injured alien creature to fend for itself in the wilds of a strange world, he makes decisions that force him to contend with his own failings–but also help him discover his mission in life.
Official Safety Notice for Poetry-Averse Readers: There are no actual poems in this book.