Sometimes, you need a compass. Sometimes, you need a more specialized instruction set.
This section of Cometary Tales follows the path of adventure, in search of the secrets and mysteries out there in the natural world.
I’ll begin by co-opting the blog page for an in-depth retelling of how I took two cameras down the Colorado River on an inflatable raft and managed not to drop either of them in the river.
Not to say my loyal retainers didn’t suffer. The TS-4 served its duty of riding lens-first into rapids, secure only in the assurance that between a wrist strap, a neck lanyard, and a sweet orange floaty it was not likely to end up in Lake Mead. The non-rugged ZS-7 struggled mightily with the ubiquitous sand, but soldiered on, recovering temporarily from a sand-jam to deliver a final sequence of aerial shots when the TS-4 exhausted its last milliamp-hour on the way out of the canyon.
To follow along on this journey, track Secrets of the Grand Canyon.
(Updated January 2021.)